Sana Renewables Provider. London and UK.

Commercial Services

SANA Renewables Commercial Services

Sana Renewables provide a diverse renewable energy solution for businesses and commercial enterprises.

Our Renewable Commercial Services

Many businesses are struggling to get to grips with increased energy prices and the wider cost of living crisis. Our renewable energy solutions can transform your commercial enterprise into an energy efficient hub – reducing costs and ensuring you keep the wheels of industry turning.

Solar Panel Installation

Most commercial premises have large roof surface areas which are ideal for solar panel installation. Solar panels generate free energy for your business and can be combined with our car charging points, battery storage and heat pumps for a complete low carbon energy solution.

Car Charging

Car charging points can be installed across your business car parks to allow staff and customers to recharge their vehicles. Charging points can provide free recharging or you can opt for payment meters to generate additional revenue for your company. When combined with our solar installation, you can generate free energy and directly charge for it, increasing revenue.

Solar Battery Storage

Businesses tend to operate to specific timetables, and you may not always use the energy you generate. With solar battery storage you can harness that unused energy by storing it for later or sell it to the National Grid. Our battery storage solution is fully guaranteed with a long warranty.

Heat Pumps

Commercial enterprises rely on hot water for an almost unlimited number of uses. Heat pumps are fully integrated with your solar installation to convert energy from your solar panels into hot water. This hot water is available day and night – don’t be concerned when the sun goes down!

Energy Efficient Lighting

Energy efficiency lighting provides your business with a low energy lighting solution that can be switched off using automation or timers. You won’t need to worry about turning off lights at night or energy wastage in spaces where it isn’t needed.

Smart Metering

Smart meters play an integral part of your energy management within your business. They can optimise your energy efficiency and isolate areas for improvement. Smart meters are designed to save you money. When combined with the solar installation and battery storage solution, a smart meter can help you use self-generated energy at peak times.

Onsite Business/Office

Office spaces are typically high energy consumption environments. By implementing renewable energy solutions, you can significantly reduce energy cost and improve sustainability.

Retail and Leisure Spaces

Energy in the retail and leisure industry is unavoidable, your customers expect your products to be well lit and your spaces warm. Renewable solutions help you heat and illuminate your premises at a reduced cost. Promoting sustainability to your customers is on trend and enhances your company reputation.


Education is a tough space to operate in and overheads can be alarming at times. By generating energy onsite and using it in the most efficient way, it is one less cost to worry about, allowing you to prioritise learning.