Sana Renewables Provider. London and UK.

Smart Metering

Sana Renewables Smart Metering

Manage your energy usage across your business from a centralised smart meter hub.

Smart Metering

Smart meters are extremely popular across domestic settings but have yet to be utilised meaningfully across commercial sectors.

A smart meter in a business setting can ensure your company is only using energy when it needs to and keep costs down.

Smart metering can help your business to:

  • Track and monitor energy usage across your business,
  • Isolate high energy areas to reduce usage,
  • Track your solar generation and ensure you use self-generated energy during peak times,
  • Operate your electrical fittings in a more efficient way,
  • Save money by streamlining energy usage.

Combine with Solar Installation

When combined with our solar panel installation and battery storage, your smart meter can be an extremely powerful tool to reduce costs. By using self-generated energy at peak times, you can avoid traditional energy supply and significantly reduce costs.

When you consider the cost of self-generated energy in comparison to traditional energy supply, using solar energy in this way can alleviate the financial burden of paying peak tariffs. Any unused energy can be sold to the national grid during peak times which will be managed by your smart meter.

Manage Efficiency Across Your Business

Your smart meter can also be used to actively manage energy consumption across your premises, automating light usage and ensuring electrical fittings aren’t used unnecessarily.

Our smart meter is provided with a full warranty and is guaranteed. To find out more about how a smart meter can transform your business energy usage and save money book a free consultation with one of Sana Renewables’ energy experts.