Sana Renewables Provider. London and UK.

Domestic Services

SANA Renewables Domestic Services

Sana Renewables provide a full range of renewable energy solutions for domestic settings.

Our Renewable Domestic Services

With energy prices rising across the UK, households are struggling to get to grips with these increased costs. Our renewable energy solutions can transform your domestic property into an energy efficient hub – reducing costs and ensuring heat security for your property over the long term.

Solar Panel Installation

The cornerstone of any domestic renewable solution is the installation of solar panels. Solar panels have fallen in cost tremendously over the last decade and with government schemes in place, installing solar panels is now cheaper than ever. We provide complete solar panel installation and apply for government grants to reduce the final cost to you.

Car Charging

The government has pledged to phase out petrol and diesel vehicles in the UK – which means car charging will become the norm across the country. Sana Renewables specialises in car charging installation to ensure you can charge your car safely and within local authority regulations.

Solar Battery Storage

Battery technology is always evolving, every day progress is made to harness the solar power you generate. Sana Renewables uses the latest battery tech to help you store excess energy for later use or sell back to the National Grid at peak times.

Heat Pumps

Gas used to be the cheap energy solution to heat our homes but rising wholesale costs have caused bills to rocket and pushed many people into fuel poverty. Sana Renewables provide a fully integrated combined heat pump to generate hot water from your solar panel installation.

Energy Efficient Lighting

Households can easily reduce energy bills by making simple changes to domestic appliances and electrical fittings. Our energy efficient lighting integrates with your solar panel installation and smart meter to give you a hybrid energy solution.

Smart Metering

Managing energy can be burdensome and confusing. With a smart meter, you can sit back and let the meter control energy usage to optimise it across your home. From timed settings and automation that turns off electrics when not in use a smart meter can reduce your energy bills significantly.

Housing Association

Ensure your tenants are using low-impact energy generation and future-proof your properties.

Council Housing

Sana Renewables actively collaborate with local authorities to provide low-carbon energy solutions for council housing and flats.

Flats and Leasehold

A misconception is that flats and leasehold properties can’t use renewable energy – the truth is although it presents unique challenges, plenty can be done to make a flat or leasehold property energy efficient.

Investors and Landlords

Being a property investor or landlord is becoming increasingly expensive, future-proof your investment against potential net zero legislation and enhance property value at the same time.

Homeowners and Freehold

Whether you subscribe to climate change or not, renewable energy can drastically cut your energy bills and generate you money by selling unused energy to the National Grid.