Sana Renewables Provider. London and UK.

Sana Renewables Services

Sana Renewables Services

Sana Renewables specialises in providing bespoke Solar Installation and Car Charging solutions for companies who want to be net-zero ready. Make your business energy efficient and sustainable with our expertise.

Electric Car Chargers

In 2030, the UK Government will be banning the sale of all Petrol and Diesel vehicles, and it is estimated that between 8 million and 11 million hybrid or electric vehicles will be on our roads by that point.

Beyond 2030, the electric vehicle market is expected to grow exponentially, meaning your fleet and your employees will be relying on electric Car Charging points.

Sana Renewables provides quick electric Car Charging installation to your premises and parking bays to ensure you are ready for an electric powered workforce. Combined with our Solar Installation services, our Car Charging is cost-efficient and helps you meet company net-zero targets.

Discover Sana Renewables Car Charging today.

Solar Installation

By 2050, the UK Government wants the entire country to run at net-zero for carbon emissions. This means businesses and commercial enterprises will need to conform to new incoming regulation to ensure they are operating in a carbon-efficient way.

Solar Installation allows you company to move to a sustainable energy source that is actively encouraged through government schemes. There are a number of incentives in place for businesses of all sizes to make the switch to Solar Installation including the Feed in Tariff scheme and Green Deal initiatives.

Sana Renewables provide full and partial Solar Installation to businesses of all sizes and energy requirements. Most Solar Installation is space-efficient and makes use of ‘dead’ roof space on your premises.

For high-energy businesses we also have a full range of Solar Installation solutions to help meet net-zero targets.

Discover Sana Renewables Solar Installation today.

Electric Car Chargers

In 2030, the UK Government will be banning the sale of all Petrol and Diesel vehicles, and it is estimated that between 8 million and 11 million hybrid or electric vehicles will be on our roads by that point.

Beyond 2030, the electric vehicle market is expected to grow exponentially, meaning your fleet and your employees will be relying on electric Car Charging points.

Sana Renewables provides quick electric Car Charging installation to your premises and parking bays to ensure you are ready for an electric powered workforce. Combined with our Solar Installation services, our Car Charging is cost-efficient and helps you meet company net-zero targets.

Discover Sana Renewables Car Charging today.

Solar Installation

By 2050, the UK Government wants the entire country to run at net-zero for carbon emissions. This means businesses and commercial enterprises will need to conform to new incoming regulation to ensure they are operating in a carbon-efficient way.

Solar Installation allows you company to move to a sustainable energy source that is actively encouraged through government schemes. There are a number of incentives in place for businesses of all sizes to make the switch to Solar Installation including the Feed in Tariff scheme and Green Deal initiatives.

Sana Renewables provide full and partial Solar Installation to businesses of all sizes and energy requirements. Most Solar Installation is space-efficient and makes use of ‘dead’ roof space on your premises.

For high-energy businesses we also have a full range of Solar Installation solutions to help meet net-zero targets.

Discover Sana Renewables Solar Installation today.

Solar Battery Storage

If you generate your own energy through solar panels, you may not be able to use it all at the time it’s generated. It’s estimated that 50% of all solar energy in the UK is wasted because it isn’t used at the time of generation.

Battery storage allows you to save energy you generate for use throughout your business or with your car charging solution whenever it is needed.

You can also sell excess energy stored on your batteries to the National Grid at peak times and profit from the energy you’re generating but not using.

Discover Sana Renewables Battery Storage solutions today.

Energy Efficiency Lighting

Reduce your energy overheads with our energy efficiency lighting services in both domestic and commercial spaces.Lower your lighting energy usage & consumption through simple timed solutions or through new economical manufactured equipment. Set specific timing functionality to operate lighting at specific times and turn off lighting automatically.Lighting can be set to turn off when a room is not in use, using sensor detection to only light an area of your business when it is required.

Solar Battery Storage

If you generate your own energy through solar panels, you may not be able to use it all at the time it’s generated. It’s estimated that 50% of all solar energy in the UK is wasted because it isn’t used at the time of generation.

Battery storage allows you to save energy you generate for use throughout your business or with your car charging solution whenever it is needed.

You can also sell excess energy stored on your batteries to the National Grid at peak times and profit from the energy you’re generating but not using.

Discover Sana Renewables Battery Storage solutions today.

Energy Efficiency Lighting

Reduce your energy overheads with our energy efficiency lighting services in both domestic and commercial spaces.Lower your lighting energy usage & consumption through simple timed solutions or through new economical manufactured equipment. Set specific timing functionality to operate lighting at specific times and turn off lighting automatically.Lighting can be set to turn off when a room is not in use, using sensor detection to only light an area of your business when it is required.

Smart Meters

Smart meters have already been rolled out extensively in domestic settings with households all over the UK benefiting from the savings they can generate.

Businesses are yet to fully utilise smart meters and most industries haven’t implemented them on a large-scale basis.

With a smart meter you can manage the energy usage across your entire business network, use self-generated electricity during peak tariff times and optimise when to sell excess energy to the National Grid.

Discover Sana Renewables Smart Meters today.

Smart Meters

Smart meters have already been rolled out extensively in domestic settings with households all over the UK benefiting from the savings they can generate.

Businesses are yet to fully utilise smart meters and most industries haven’t implemented them on a large-scale basis.

With a smart meter you can manage the energy usage across your entire business network, use self-generated electricity during peak tariff times and optimise when to sell excess energy to the National Grid.

Discover Sana Renewables Smart Meters today.

Ground and Air Heat Pumps

Wholesale gas prices have risen exponentially in the last few years because of global demand and supply shortages.

Ground and air heat pumps remove the necessity for gas generated heat, allowing your business to generate heat from the ground or air outside of your business property.

Ground heat pumps convert energy from the ground to create hot water that fuels your heating. Air heat pumps work in a similar way, except they draw energy from the atmosphere (air).

Ground and air heat pumps can offer tremendous long-term savings and are suitable for businesses and industrial settings of all sizes.

Discover Sana Renewables Ground and Air Heat Pumps today.

Ground and Air Heat Pumps

Wholesale gas prices have risen exponentially in the last few years because of global demand and supply shortages.

Ground and air heat pumps remove the necessity for gas generated heat, allowing your business to generate heat from the ground or air outside of your business property.

Ground heat pumps convert energy from the ground to create hot water that fuels your heating. Air heat pumps work in a similar way, except they draw energy from the atmosphere (air).

Ground and air heat pumps can offer tremendous long-term savings and are suitable for businesses and industrial settings of all sizes.

Discover Sana Renewables Ground and Air Heat Pumps today.

Free Consultation

If you need help understanding how our products can transform your energy efficiency or want to know what government support or schemes are available, contact us.

You can book a FREE, no obligation consultation with one our of dedicated energy experts to find out about government schemes and our range of renewable solutions.

Book your FREE consultation with Sana Renewables today.